Saturday, November 29, 2008

Time out!

Earlier this month, my husband and I took a well-deserved vacation in Maui. There we were able to spend most of our time just enjoying the tropical paradise and our time together. We slept, snorkeled, read, boogie-boarded, swam, visited a Lavender Farm and ate well.
My best dinner was at a place called, "Sea Watch" at the golf course in Wailea. There we ate our most delicious dinner, while watching a beautiful sunset over the water. It just does not get any better!
Happy Gardening,
Part-time Gardener:)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Garden Wall-Foundation

The WALL has started. The first step was deciding what we wanted..... and then came the WORK! The first step was marking out where the final wall would reside. Then the hole was dug with a trencher and a pick and shovel when necessary. Then the gravel and rebar were placed in the hole. After that was done, the concrete was poured.
We got our concrete from a local building supply company already mixed and in the truck. This was a great time saving step, but we needed more concrete than we estimated. Since we needed more, we went back to pick up another yard and was hit with extra fines since they do not stop the clock over. Beware!
I do not think this wall is going anywhere after seeing what it is being built on!!! The trench was two wall thicknesses wide and deeper than I expected. about 16 inches. The mason believes in starting the wall a brick or two below grade so that the foundation will never be seen. This will help me be able to plant close to the wall. The next step will have visible results!

Happy Gardening,
Part-time Gardener:)

Surprise Blooms

Last week I started to research what to do with the Amaryllis bulbs I planted in my raised bed last January. Should I take them out and refrigerate them or leave them in the ground? Later that day I was walking by my raised bed, I looked over and saw that that one of the Amaryllises was blooming! Not at all what I expected! I hope the others follow suit.
That day I also found my potted Angel Trumpet plant with blooms. This was a fun surprise, but not as unexpected as the blooming Amaryllis. I originally bought the Angel Trumpet in bloom in October, but in the past years the Angel Trumpet I had in the ground would bloom in mid to late summer. As the weather is starting to get colder, I moved the Angel trumpet inside to protect it.

Happy Gardening!

Part-time Gardener:)